Videos on DragonflyIssuesInEvolution13 Wiki.
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All items (357)
- File:A film about Carl Linnaeus Natural History Museum
- File:A Look At Theistic Evolution
- File:A Scientist Visits A Creationist Museum
- File:Adaptations in Animals -Video lesson for Kids
- File:Adaptations Song
- File:Adaptations Song-0
- File:Age, Rocks, and Index Fossils.mp4
- File:Alfred Wegener Great Minds
- File:Allo-mothering in primates
- File:Allopatric and sympatric speciation
- File:Allopatric Speciation and Dispersal
- File:Altruism
- File:Altruism co-operation increases fitness
- File:Altruism co-operation increases fitness-0
- File:Amazing Symbiosis Ant Army Defends Tree
- File:Amazing Symbiosis Ant Army Defends Tree-0
- File:Amazing! Bird sounds from the lyre bird - David Attenborough - BBC wildlife
- File:Amazing! Bird sounds from the lyre bird - David Attenborough - BBC wildlife-0
- File:Amazing! Bird sounds from the lyre bird - David Attenborough - BBC wildlife-1
- File:Amazing! Bird sounds from the lyre bird - David Attenborough - BBC wildlife-1386089357
- File:Amazing! Bird sounds from the lyre bird - David Attenborough - BBC wildlife-2
- File:Amazing! Bird sounds from the lyre bird - David Attenborough - BBC wildlife-3
- File:Animal partnerships - David Attenborough - BBC wildlife
- File:Animalist & DNews The Amazing Connection Between Bats And Dolphins
- File:Aposematic & Cryptic Colorations Mimicry
- File:Are we ready for neo-evolution? - Harvey Fineberg
- File:Asexual Reproduction in Organisms
- File:Astounding Mating Dance Birds of Paradise -- High Quality
- File:BBC - The Incredible Human Journey -1 of 5 -Out of Africa arc.avi
- File:BBC Pedigree Dogs Exposed - full movie in good quality
- File:Beat The Plastic Micro-Bead
- File:Bill Nye The Science Guy - Biodiversity (Full Episode)
- File:Bio Ellis van Creveld
- File:Biogeography and the Impact of Pathogens.mp4
- File:Biological Species Concept
- File:Biology Allopatric vs Sympatric Speciation
- File:Biology Lecture - 61 - Genes, Traits, and Alleles
- File:Bipedality
- File:Birds of Paradise
- File:Birds-of-Paradise Project Introduction
- File:Black Grouse Lek
- File:Black Grouse Lek-0
- File:Black Grouse lekking
- File:Blue Footed Booby Mating Dance
- File:Bottlenose Dolphin Mudflat Hunting
- File:Broca's Aphasia
- File:Broca's area vs. Wernicke's area - VCE Psychology
- File:Broca's area vs. Wernicke's area - VCE Psychology-0
- File:Butterflies Camouflage and Mimicry (10 27 12)
- File:Cabinet of Wonders Personal Collection of Alfred Russel Wallace?
- File:Camel Spider Zoology (Colorado)
- File:Can We Evolve Without Competition?
- File:CARTA Bipedalism and Human Origins--Dan Lieberman The Evolution and Relevance of Human Running
- File:CARTA Bipedalism and Human Origins--Dan Lieberman The Evolution and Relevance of Human Running-0
- File:Cat Evolution "Felidae"
- File:Caterpillar 'talking' from walking by Nature Video
- File:Chapter 14 Part 6 - Sickle Cell Disease
- File:Chemokine Signaling
- File:Chordates - CrashCourse Biology 24
- File:Cladistics
- File:Cladograms
- File:Cock-of-The-Rock lek
- File:Coevolution
- File:Coevolution toxic newts
- File:Coevolution-0
- File:Coevolution-1
- File:Common Cuckoo chick ejects eggs of Reed Warbler out of the nest.David Attenborough's opinion
- File:Community Ecology II Predators - Crash Course Ecology 5
- File:Constructing a Cladogram
- File:Constructing a Cladogram-0
- File:Convergent evolution-canines
- File:Courtship display of the Satin Bowerbird
- File:Crows using traffic to crack walnut
- File:Crows using traffic to crack walnut-0
- File:Cultural Contingency and Gene - Culture Coevolution
- File:Dancers on Fire - The Sultry Dance of the Bowerbird
- File:Daniel Garcia Rivero
- File:Daniel Pauley The ocean's shifting baseline FISH Documentary,Lecture,Talk (supply food)
- File:Darwin's Struggle The Evolution Of The Origin Of Species (BBC)
- File:Darwin, Finches, and Hawaii
- File:Darwinian Grandeur A Biologists Journey Through Evolutions Tangled Bank,
- File:Darwinian Grandeur A Biologists Journey Through Evolutions Tangled Bank,-0
- File:Darwinian Grandeur A Biologists Journey Through Evolutions Tangled Bank,-1
- File:Darwinian Grandeur A Biologists Journey Through Evolutions Tangled Bank,-1380672663
- File:Darwinian Grandeur A Biologists Journey Through Evolutions Tangled Bank,-1380672664
- File:Darwinian Grandeur A Biologists Journey Through Evolutions Tangled Bank,-1380672686
- File:Darwinian Grandeur A Biologists Journey Through Evolutions Tangled Bank,-2
- File:Darwinian Grandeur A Biologists Journey Through Evolutions Tangled Bank,-3
- File:David Attenborough - Animal behaviour of the Australian bowerbird - BBC wildlife
- File:David Attenborough - Animal behaviour of the Australian bowerbird - BBC wildlife-0
- File:David Christian The history of our world in 18 minutes
- File:David Suzuki speaks about overpopulation
- File:Defending a monkey harem - Clever Monkeys - BBC Earth
- File:Demographic Transition Model Song
- File:Demographic Transition Model Song-0
- File:Difference between Micro-evolution and Macro-evolution
- File:Directional Selection
- File:Disruptive Selection
- File:DNA Mutations Genetics Biology
- File:Dolphin Assisted Fishing
- File:Early Hominids Capabilities
- File:Earth's rarest and ancient fossils - BBC
- File:Effects of social disruption in elephants persist decades after culling
- File:Elephant Ear-flapping
- File:Elephant Seal Attacks Divers
- File:Elephant Seal Attacks Divers-0
- File:Emus Dancing
- File:Endogenous Retroviruses and Evolution
- File:Epigenetics
- File:European Pine Sawfly Larvae
- File:Evidence of evolution from fossil record
- File:Evolution - What Darwin Never Knew - NOVA PBS Documentary
- File:Evolution 1 Natural Selection vs. Artificial Selection
- File:Evolution 1 Natural Selection vs. Artificial Selection-0
- File:Evolution Best Example of Macroevolution Manatees
- File:Evolution BT Corn Genes and Bug Genes
- File:Evolution Caves Extreme Conditions for Life
- File:Evolution Episode 5 - The sexual selection
- File:Evolution Episode 5 - The sexual selection-0
- File:Evolution Isn't Evolution Just a Theory?
- File:Evolution It's a Thing - Crash Course Biology 20
- File:Evolution It's a Thing - Crash Course Biology 20-0
- File:Evolution of Dance - By Judson Laipply
- File:Evolution of sickle cell malaria
- File:Evolution Of The Brain
- File:Evolution of the Peppered Moth
- File:Evolution of the Peppered Moth-0
- File:Evolution of the Peppered Moth-1
- File:Evolution of the Peppered Moth-2
- File:Evolution Part 3 Speciation
- File:Evolutionary Development
- File:Evolutionary Development Chicken Teeth - Crash Course Biology 17
- File:Evolutionary Mismatch From the Paleo Diet to Climate Change
- File:Example of Evolutionary Arms Race newt VS garter snake
- File:Exaptation 1 documentation
- File:Explaining Evolutionary Adaptations and Side Effects The Spandrels of San Marco
- File:Explaining Evolutionary Adaptations and Side Effects The Spandrels of San Marco-0
- File:Extremophiles - weird animals - We Are The Aliens - BBC Space
- File:Eyeless Fish Evidence for Evolution?
- File:Factors shaping micobial biogeography and ecosystem processes by Adam Altrichter.mp4
- File:Fairfax County's Community Immunity
- File:Feast, famine, and the genetics of obesity you can't have it both ways
- File:Finding Lucy
- File:Finding Tiktaalik Neil Shubin on the Evolutionary Step from Sea to Land
- File:Fooled by Nature - Beaver Dams
- File:Founder Effect, Bottle Necking, and Genetic Drift
- File:Frenchie.mpg
- File:Frog Jumps Caught in Slow-Motion
- File:From Hunters and Gatherers to Farmers
- File:Full Documentary - And Man Created Dog - a National Geographic presentation
- File:Galapagos the finches (4 7)
- File:Gametic And Geographic Isolation
- File:Gene Flow - Migration
- File:Genetic Drift
- File:Genetic Drift-0
- File:Genetic Drift-1
- File:Genetic Engineering for Human Enhancement.mp4
- File:Genetic Engineering for Human Enhancement.mp4-0
- File:Genetically Engineered Corn
- File:Genetically Modified Salmon - Coming Soon?
- File:Genetics
- File:Genetics, genomics and evolution of flowering time control in legumes -- research by Dr Jim Weller
- File:Giant Pacific Octopus Hatch Sept 2010
- File:Glamorous Birds - Battle of the Sexes in the Animal World - BBC
- File:Greater Bird-of-paradise
- File:Greater frigate bird display
- File:Gregor Mendel Great Minds
- File:Hamilton's Rule
- File:Hamilton's Rule-0
- File:Harvey Fineberg Are we ready for neo-evolution?
- File:HGP10 Symposium Progress Since the Human Genome Project
- File:Hominid evolution & development - The Discovery
- File:Homologous and Vestigial Structures
- File:Homologous vs Analogous Traits Evolution series pt1
- File:Homologous vs Analogous Traits Evolution series pt1-0
- File:Honeybee forages on Mountain mint
- File:How scientists know about punctuated equilibria
- File:How To Identify Wild Plums Prunus americana Identification
- File:Hunting for Fossils in the Panama Canal